When my first baby was born we were given so many adorable outfits for her, every combination of cashmere and lace and onesies with up-the-back-buttons that are nearly impossible to get on a squirming baby and I remember thinking, “gosh I hope she’s invited to a ton of fancy parties and black-tie galas in the first year of her life!” (spoiler alert: she was invited to exactly zero fancy parties and not one single gala).

Vogue’s Guide to the Best Baby Gifts:

By the time my second daughter was born, I was actively requesting that anyone kind enough to gift us a present stay away from fancy baby clothes because I was by then a veteran at this game and knew that a truly great gift would be something a bit more useful to the new mom and dad. Here are a few ideas for baby gifts specific to surviving those first few precious months:

One Month: Home from Hospital

The first month at home with your baby is usually spent in a delirious cycle of feeding, sleeping and about 1,000 hours of staring at this beautiful creature you created equally amazed and also appalled that it is yours forever. The best gifts at this time are so adorable that they distract you from the lack of sleep. I love to give a snuggly going-home-from-the-hospital outfit like this Oso and Me newborn set. Another fail safe option is a muslin set to swaddle the baby and a snuggly infant lounger to keep that bundle safe and sound!


star print baby sleeping bag

Aden & Anais

Essentials swaddles 4-pack

Two Months: Bed Bath & Beyond

Two months is about the time babies are slowly getting into a nice evening routine: bath, bottle and (hopefully!) bed. Make sure they’re all ready for bathtime with the best clean baby products like these from Paloroma and cozy towels from Weezie. After bath it’s off to bed and arguably the best gift to give new parents is a few hours of unbroken sleep: enter the Snoo, an electronic crib that gently rocks baby to sleep so mom and dad don’t have to – priceless!


Smart Sleeper baby bassinet

Three Months: Out & About

The first few outings with a new baby can be nerve wracking, wondering if you have all the right equipment, wondering if they’ll poop mid car journey, and wondering if you’ll wake the sleeping babe by lifting her from the car. A great option is Artipoppe’s beautiful baby carrier that is both comfortable and chic and I love to give Anya Hindmarch’s diaper changing kit—with handy pockets for everything you could possibly need, you can just pop it in your handbag and go! Any new mom would be thrilled with a portable bottle warmer, no more racing home to get a screaming baby some warm milk!


Moov N Feed portable bottle warmer

Six Months: Mini Gourmand

Six months is a huge milestone in baby land: many babies will be sitting up, hopefully sleeping through the night and are ready for their first bit of “real” (pureed) food. The Beaba Baby Cook makes pureeing baby concoctions a breeze and can turn any parent into a gourmet baby chef! These burp cloths come in so many great colors and is a mainstay in every stylish kitchen and don’t forget silicone bibs in complementary color schemes!


Babycook Neo baby food maker

Parker Baby Co.

muslin cotton burp cloths set

La Petite baby feeding dish set

Nine Months: Play & Explore

The fun really kicks off once baby starts crawling! A playmat like this one from House of Noa is durable for picnics, crawling sessions or tummy time in or outdoors and Lovevery’s toy kits are designed for each stage of development to keep them busy. Don’t forget a cozy playsuit to keep those knees covered for crawling practice!

Twelve Months: The First Birthday!

Hooray, your baby is one! Mostly this is a celebration of the parents for surviving the first year so go all out: party outfit like this one from La Coqueta, tons of balloons and, of course, baby’s first bite of sugar in that delicious cake! A keepsake box is the perfect gift for nostalgic parents to save all those tiny little outfits and mementos from baby’s first year. The single greatest gift my girls were given was a Tonie box: an electronic story box that reads endless stories to them, perfect for the parent who simply can’t stomach another rendition of The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the nine hundredth time. I love to give a fabulous (perhaps impractical) but fun pair of shoes for a baby’s first birthday; if they haven’t taken those precious first steps yet they will soon!


Toniebox audio player Disney set

Eighteen Months: On The Go

Walking, talking, climbing everything – the eighteen month mark is when babies are constantly on the go! Give them lots to do to keep them active like a balance bike scooter and a stroller-slash-trolley and of course, a pair of sneakers for those very busy days. To help wind down at the end of the day I love customizable books from Librio for a keepsake book that kids will remember for years to come.


Baby Superstar crib sneakers

Original Source: Read More Here


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