That’s when Craig finally told Austen he’d quietly been struggling behind closed doors.

“I can’t because I don’t have any leash on myself,” he admitted. “That’s any addict. I was like, ‘F–k, me trying not to be an alcoholic is now affecting my friendship with Austen.’ And that’s where I was coming from. Like, I have tears in my eyes because it’s real.”

“I was in the trenches by myself trying to better my life and then you were like, ‘Oh, you’re never with me anymore,'” the 35-year-old continued. “I’m like, ‘Dude, I can’t. I gotta stay home on my couch, because if I leave my couch, I’m gonna drink a bottle of Jäger and do dumb s–t.'”

The bombshell admission left Austen a bit stunned. As he told Craig, “The word ‘addict’ you’ve never used with me.”

And for Craig, he admitted that he never “said it out loud” until seeing costar Shep Rose get blackout drunk during the cast trip to the Bahamas after being rejected by his then-love interest Sienna.

“I was like, ‘This is why I don’t do it anymore,’” Craig explained of his drinking. “I’m really lucky, dude. I’m lucky I got out of it. That’s why I can comment on Shep, he’s not out of it.”

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